MyQuest Inc Apps

MyQuest 20.3.12
MyQuest Inc
On MyQuest, dreams do come true! Go on a real-life Quest to achieveyour wildest goals and dreams. All Quests are proven and created bytop world experts. Their experience and knowledge will empower,motivate, and help you achieve your goals. This is as close as youcan get to being personally coached by world-renowned experts... inyour pocket. Want to lose weight? Go on a weight-loss Quest withLiz Josefsberg, the private weight-loss coach of celebrities likeJennifer Hudson, Jessica Simpson, and Katie Couric. Want to runfaster? Go on a running Quest with Sanya Richards-Ross, 4X USOlympic Gold Medalist and 6X World Champion Sprinter. Want to domore in less time? Go on a productivity Quest with Jonathan Levi, abest-selling author who started his $2 million business at age 16.A VAST VARIETY OF QUESTS ● Handstand Quest with Jen Esquer, Doctorof Physical Therapy ● Healthy Lifestyle Quest with Jenny Lei,health-expert with nearly 1M followers ● Morning Workout Quest withSam Star, an award-winning pole dancer ● Productivity Quest withJonathan Levi, serial entrepreneur and best-selling author ●Running Quest with Sanya Richards-Ross, 4X US Olympic Gold Medalist● Stress-Free Mornings Quest with Lauren Taus, yoga master andlife-coach ● Weight-Loss Quest with Liz Josefsberg, celebrityweight-loss coach ● Weight-Loss Through Meditation Quest with DinaProctor, mind-body connection coach and best-selling author ● Plusmuch more! FEATURES ● Succeed on-the-go or from the comfort of yourdesktop ● Supporting community of like-minded Questers ● Personaland group coaching by your mentor ● Fun, playful environment ● Earnpoints and win prizes ● Habit formation technology – create, adoptand strengthen new healthy habits ● Hundreds of exclusive videos ●Unique downloadable content including recipes, worksheets, tips,and more SIMPLE & EASY TO USE ● Fun and engaging daily missionsto help you reach your goal ● Easy to follow instructions ● Simpleand intuitive controls ● Step-by-step guidance GET RESULTS NOW ●All Quests are proven and created by top experts ● Excellent forwellness, weight-loss and fitness goals ● Never boring, always funand challenging ● Highest success rate in the industry -----CONTACT US ----- We are here for you! Have questions about ourQuests? Our mentors? Comments? Ideas? [email protected]
Fearless Mind 19.5.5
MyQuest Inc
Fearless Mind mental trening med oppfølging. Dette er for degsomvil heve normalen. Ta tak i noe du har utsatt lenge nok.Sammenlegger vi en plan for hvordan du kan optimalisere hver enestedag,og du får konkrete verktøy som er relevant for det du viloppnå.Her vil du ha full oversikt over din mentale trening.Fearless Minder en tilstand. Det er muligheten til å oppleve detsom er ekte ilivet. Slippe jaget etter aksept og rotteracet etterlykken som omden ligger foran deg. Med Fearless får du kunnskap omhvordan dukan ta kontroll over dagen din, helt fra det øyeblikketdu våknertil du faller i søvn på kvelden. Vi gir ikke bort noenformel somlover deg lykke i hele evigheten. Vi vet at livetserverer osstøffe tider. Og da trenger du styrke. Trygghet. Alleandre dagertrenger du det samme - toppet med litt ekstra glede. LØPUNNA, FRYSELLER TA KAMPEN: Dette er automatiske reaksjoner vi harfått utdeltsom en gavepakke når vi står ovenfor fare for åoverleve. Vislipper å tenke. Kroppens autonome nervesystem tarover. Tidligerehandlet det om å unngå å bli spist av sabeltigre. Idag opplever vistressreaksjoner i alt fra sosiale settinger,frykten for å bliavvist, og frykten for å feile, til økonomiskstress, endringer påjobb, og at naboen kjøper seg finere bil enndeg. Du tar oppkampen, eller du unngår situasjonen. Kroppenreagerer med athjertet pumper raskere, musklene spennes, ogsvettedråpene begynnerå vise seg. TEAM: En av våre største frykterer frykten foravvisning. Har du noen gang kjent på en dårligsamvittighet for atdu ble med i en samtale på jobb som egentligstrittet i mot dineverdier? Eller kjent på frykt for å ikke ha noklikes på sosialemedier? Du er ikke et dårlig menneske. Du jobber uti fra din egenoverlevelse i gruppen. Og med kunnskap om hvorfor dugjør dette ognår du kjenner igjen mønsteret for når det skjer erdet lettere ågjøre en endring. Gullkunnskap for lag og bedriftersom vi utviklearbeidsmiljøet. MAT: Styrer enormt mye av atferdendin. Vi gir degkunnskap om hvordan ditt kosthold påvirker ditthumør, din energi,kropp og søvnkvalitet. SØVN: Vi har et samfunnsom mer og merløfter opp de som "står på". Det kommer en snikende,skummel trend,der det sies: - Stå opp tidlig, legg deg sent, jobbmer enn deandre, da blir du god. Dette er så langt unna sannhetensom det kanfå blitt. Ved for lite søvn risikerer du storehelseproblemer, dutar dårligere avgjørelser på jobb, og blirlettere irritabel. Dufår rett og slett gjort mindre. MINDSET:Hjernen vår er formbar. Vikan hele tiden lære noe nytt og utvikleoss. Velkommen til FearlessMind.
IQL Quest 20.2.10
MyQuest Inc
In today’s dynamic and disruptive business environment,thetraditional leader-follower-goal paradigm of leadership isnotenough. Our world demands a different kind of leadership thatisfocused on achieving three essential outcomes: a sense ofDirectionfor people to follow, an Aligned team, and Committedemployees.Become that leader through the DAC* Leadership Adventure.Thisinteractive, self-driven online leadership development programwillempower you with knowledge and skills through a series ofhands-onmissions. This powerful program offers expert consultationand peermentoring which you can apply with your team straight awayandboost your leadership capability, regardless of sector orlevel.*Credit: Drath et al., 2008. Direction, alignment,commitment:Toward a more integrative ontology of leadership, TheLeadershipQuarterly, 19: 635-653
TACK TMI Coach 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Be the Source of Change Through our Learning andDevelopmentsolutions, we help people & organisations to thrive.With over110 years combined experience & expertise, TACK &TMI arethe trusted global partner to some of the world’sleadingorganisations. We inspire & enable your people &yourorganisation to release true potential & achievesustainableresults. What we do: TACK • SALES ENABLEMENT •LEADERSHIP &MANAGEMENT EXCELLENCE • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT TMI •CUSTOMEREXPERIENCE • CULTURE CHANGE • LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT •PERFORMANCEIMPROVEMENT • BEHAVIOURAL BASED SAFETY What is the TACK& TMICoach App: Please note: This is an invite onlyapplicationconnected. You will not be able to access learningcontent withoutan invite. Behaviour change; on demand, on the moveExperience TACK& TMI’s interactive learning tool. Based onmicro-learning,gamification, and AI. The problems with traditionalonline learningtools: • Low engagement rate • Low completion rate •Low knowledgeretention Online training tools mainly focus onknowledge deliveryrather than knowledge retention. Our solution:Our learning toolenhances the overall learning experience &increases thelikelihood that learning will be effective, and easilyto absorb.Using habit forming techniques & action basedlearning, we helpyou to: 1. Form new behaviours 2. Apply learningto your real-lifesituation 3. Retain knowledge 4. Get support &coachingthroughout Key Features • Knowledge sharing - Shareknowledge andempower each other • Long-lasting success - Form newproductivehabits • On the go micro-learning – Learn in bite-sizedchunks, allaction-based to fit your lifestyle • Attractivemobile-first design– Intuitive & beautiful layout • Accessanywhere - Accessibleanytime, anywhere, using mobile, tablet,laptop, or desktopcomputers • Enjoyable training - A gamifiedinteractive experience,which results in a fun and enjoyable process• True virtualcoaching – Learn with real human support & getadvice when youneed it
EKTIMIS Respect Learning Dome 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
EKTIMIS Respect Learning Dome is an e-Learning mobileenvironmentthat opens a gateway to a new world of learning andunderstandingthe principles and concepts of Respect – that isright“R-E-S-P-E-C- T”! Through the use of “Quests” (fun,inspirational,focused, and short learning modules) you can embarkon a series ofexciting educational journeys that will challengeyour thinking,reshape your understanding, inspire your self-esteem,and help youcultivate a quality workstyle, lifestyle andrelationships rootedin respect. RESPECT in the Workplace: a seriesof Quests that willguide you through a comprehensive presentationof the essence ofrespect along with its components. This insightfuljourney includesa passage through The Top Ten Laws of Respect inthe Workplace –principles for promoting and sustaining respect inyour workenvironment. RESPECT at Home: a series of Quests that willguideyou through an equally comprehensive presentation of theessence ofrespect and its components from a family perspective.Thisinsightful journey includes a passage through The Top Ten LawsofRespect at Home – principles for promoting and sustainingrespectat home within your family. RESPECT (A PersonalPerspective): aseries of Quests that will guide you through theessence of respectfrom a personal and social perspective. Thisinsightful journeyalso includes a passage through The Top Ten Lawsof Respect (APersonal Guide) – principles for promoting andsustaining respectwithin your social circles and personalrelationships. EKTIMIS is apremium brand focused exclusively onresearching, developingsolutions, and promoting respect as anattitude and a way of life -on a personal level, at home within thefamily, and in theworkplace in any organizational environment.
Nemo-Learning 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Running out of time at the office? The NEMO DigitalLeadershipAcademy app gives you the flexibility to bring yourlearningexperience anywhere. If you want to refresh or enhanceyourleadership skills, listen to a podcast while on your way towork.Watch a transformational video supported by sleek animations,orread through an inspiring article related to organizationalchange,leadership or personal development. This web-basedlearningenvironment was developed as part of Global Mindset’sblendedlearning solution. We specialize in global delivery,combiningin-person workshops with virtual events, coaching andourinteractive NEMO platform. We are a team oforganizationalpsychologists, leadership experts, communicationconsultants,actors, teachers and artists. We have globalbackgrounds and liveand work around the world. Our goal? To helpleaders and teamsglobally to successfully implement and integratelearning intotheir daily lives; that they grow from it and as aresult transformtheir mindset, their behavior and ultimately theirimpact on othersand the organization as a whole. What we offer? • Alibrary ofdigital courses around leadership and organizationaldevelopment •Videos, podcasts, gamification, assignments, articles• Customizedlearning solutions • Access to a team of specialistsdepending onyour need
MyKabbalah 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
The MyKabbalah series is the Kabbalah Centre'snewestlearning system designed to give you the most practicalKabbalahstudy currently available anywhere online. What isKabbalah?Kabbalah is the oldest spiritual wisdom in the world. Itexplainseverything from the science of the soul to the laws ofnature andof why the universe came to be. Kabbalah is a universalwisdom thatanyone can study, regardless of background, gender orbeliefsystem. Why Kabbalah? Deep down, we all want to understandthemeaning of our lives, and the purpose of our existence.Kabbalahanswers many of these questions, and gives you practicaltools andtechniques to bring more fulfillment to your life. Howwill Ilearn? Beyond recieving knowledge through our videos andwrittentexts, MyKabbalah will encourage you to take action andexperimentwith what you have learned. What does it include? - 6Chapters and33 activities and missions (over 3 hours of on-demandvideo) -Classes accessible on all computers, smartphones and mobiledevices- 1 personal online meeting with one of our seniorKabbalahteachers - Global Kabbalah community: connect withstudentsworldwide. - Practical exercises, meditations and toolsdesigned tohelp you deal with current challenges, and enhance thequality ofyour life. - Full lifetime access - Certificate ofCompletion Startyour spiritual journey with us today!
CapstoneEdu 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
When you adopt a framework for your leadership, you gaincontrolover the results to be achieved. Even experienced leaderswithadvanced degrees can struggle to lead their team ororganization topeak performance and results. Out of necessity togain control overresults, the Framework for Achieving GreatResults© was assembledover a decade ago. Within this framework arepowerful and practicalleadership solutions (aka “the leadershipbundle”) which havebenefitted over a thousand healthcare leadersand entire healthcareorganizations. The CapstoneEdu app is yourgateway to thesesolutions. The app will guide you through levels ofmicro-learningthat will advance your knowledge and application ofeach solution.You’ll also benefit from the My Journal, My Habits,and MyCommunity features. Within My Community, you’ll network withotherlearners and CapstoneEdu coaches. Customize a learningexperiencethat is right for you. Maybe it’s one solution; or a few?Tomaximize your results, adopt the entire bundle – one solution atatime. And to gain synergy in your entire organization, getthesesolutions into the hands of all leaders. CapstoneEdu willevolve toinclude the Framework’s core 12 solutions, such as: DirectDialogue(Formal and informal feedback, including difficultconversations,that elevate behavior, performance and contributions)WorkRelationships that Work (Building relationships withkeystakeholders through the tactic of systematic andpurposefulrounding) Creating a Robust Goal Cycle (Beyond managingday-to-dayoperations, leaders move the organization forward towarditsstrategies) Hire Tough, Manage Easy (Set high standards for whoyouhire and how you select and onboard your newestemployees)Elevating Behaviors (Elevate behaviors as a major drivingforcebehind great results) Changing How We Change (Change ishard.Overcome, and even prevent, the common challenges andbarriers.)Start the transformation today. Download the app to JustStart!
Must-Win Deals 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc

 Must-Win Deals isanonline learning and coaching platform that takes theoftenconfusing concepts of B2B Outcome-Based Selling and makes themeasyto apply. We deliver a fast, focused, and comprehensivecurriculumto help you position, propose, negotiate and close moredeals. InB2B selling, just a handful of critical Deals (80/20 Rule)willgenerally make or break your quarterly and annual quota. Thatiswhat we define as “Must-Win” Deals. There a better way tolandthese Must-Win Deals and ensure you renew and growCan’t-LoseAccounts! 


OnMust-Win Deals you will develop and improve yourOutcome-BasedSelling skills by learning and doing at the same time.And this Appwill allow you to learn and do whenever and wherever itisconvenient for you. However, you will never be learning anddoingalone. You will have access to your Personal Coach who willexplainand coach you throughout each workshop – either throughdirectfeedback on the platform or through 1 on 1 videoteleconferencecalls that you can schedule with the App.


Must-Win Deals focuses on the fourchallengesthat we, as Sellers, consistently present to ourCustomers thatmake it difficult for them to award us Must-WinDeals. As such,Must-Win Deals is not another sales process. Ratherit superchargesyour existing sales and account managementprocesses. The fourchallenges that each workshop is built around: •The IrresistibleValue Proposition: Too often Our Value Propositionis not relevantto the Customer’s desired Outcomes and thus not veryenticing. •Seven Slides To Seven Figures: When the Customer can’t“connect thedots” between our Proposal and the Outcomes/Value theywant toachieve, they are left confused and do not buy. • ThePurposefulNegotiation: If we are not aiming at a Great Deal, we arenotprepared to negotiate and therefore we often delay the decisionornegotiate a poor deal. • The Painless Renewal: If we are sellingtoan existing Customer and they do not perceive our PastValueDelivered (PVD), they will not be inclined to do another dealwithus. 

 Download Must-WinDealsif you have an interest in significantly improvingyourOutcome-Based selling and account management skills.
JR Overcome 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Are you ready…. - To launch yourself to elite performancethroughriveting Navy SEAL stories of leadership - To build anOVERCOMEmindset - To lead yourself and others to success - Toforgeunbreakable goals - To create lasting change - To learn howtoovercome failure, crisis, and adversity by "Getting off theX”?Then you need the JR Overcome app! Through the JR OvercomeApp,Retired Navy SEAL Lieutenant Jason Redman will become yourpersonalcoach providing interactive courses and group coachingonleadership, failure, change, goal setting, peakperformance,building an overcome mindset, how to overcome hardtimes, and howto build an unstoppable overcome mindset. Are youlooking to be apart of a goal-focused group with personalinteraction with Jason?Then, join our group coaching platformthrough his Overcome Army.Jason spent 10 years as an enlisted NavySEAL and ten years as aSEAL Officer leading SEAL teams in combatoperations in Iraq andAfghanistan. Jason is an expert in helpingindividuals, companies,teams, and organizations implement lastingchange afterexperiencing failure, crisis, and adversity from havinglivedthrough all these things at the highest level in his NavySEALcareer. From failure as a young leader and almost being kickedoutof the SEAL Teams, to redemption and leading teams inintensecombat operations in Iraq, to being shot 8 times includingaroundto the face, Jason has lived the OVERCOME MINDSET he teaches.Hehas done an incredible job of taking these lessons learnedandmaking them relatable to teams, businesses and organizationsaroundthe world. As Jason says, "These are not SEAL lessons, thesearehuman lessons!" With these interactive courses, you will walkawaywith a new perspective and understanding that there are nobaddays, only good days and great days. These courses are designedtohelp you build success step by step and forge in yourself thesamemindset, leadership, structure, and discipline that Navy SEALsuseto effective in combat. Once again, these are not militarylessons,Jason does a great job making the content relatable toeveryone,easy to digest and easy to implement the lessonslearned.Additionally, for every course, you will have optionalaccess to acommunity of other like-minded individuals looking tobecome thebest versions of themselves. Most importantly, Jasonteaches andcoaches individuals, companies, and teams how toovercome failure,setbacks and catastrophic crisis through hisrelatable storytellingof life ambushes and his proven, "Get off theX" methodology to notonly survive the crisis but thrive and launchfrom it! IF you areready to “Get off the X” the sticking point inyour life and startpushing yourself forward to success – get thisapp and start yourfirst course today! Jason is the New York Timesbestselling authorof The Trident, The Forging and Reforging of aNavy SEAL Leader,Overcome, Crush Adversity with the leadershiptechniques ofAmerica’s toughest Warriors and is a viral TedXspeaker. He hasappeared on multiple national news networksincluding Fox News,CBS, CNN, and CBN. He has appeared almost adozen times on Fox andFriends along with the Huckabee show. Jasonhas been featured inmultiple documentaries including HistoryChannel's, Navy SEALs,America's Secret Warriors.
Neuroscience of Leadership 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
In this Neuroscience of Leadership app we provide you withthelatest neuroscience research to transform managers intoagileleaders of change and performance. The app has activitiestoimprove your decision making, peak mental performance,resilience,influence, adaptability and coaching skills. Everyday wearebombarded with information, have back to back meetings,trymulti-tasking to get through everything, struggle tohaveperformance conversations and are facing and leadingenormousamounts of change. By understanding more about how thebrain works,you can improve your performance and also theperformance ofothers.
Stress Less Workshops 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Thanks for taking the time to find us, you won’t be disappointed!Weall understand that stress negatively affects every aspect ofourlives; mentally, physically, and health-wise. Stress LessWorkshopsdeveloped the Stress Intelligence™ (SI) training programwhich fullyappreciates the problems associated with stress and howitnegatively affects your quality of life. As you move throughthetraining, you will realize a more harmonious and productivelife;at home and at work. App based training has been crediblyshown toprovide an equal, or better than, level of learning ascompared totraditional learning methods, but at a significantreduction intime and cost. Some of the learning benefits of thisgamified appis the 1:1 coaching feature which, along with thecommunitysection, helps build communal support. SI trainingprograms aredesigned so you can easily move from understanding theintricaciesof every day stress. * to how it creates havoc in yourmind andbody * to learning how to recognize when you aretriggered,experience negative thinking or drive for perfectionism *and theninto using SI’s unique methods to ease those conditions.Over thepast 7 years, a team of coaches, clinicians, techniciansandlike-minded individuals have integrated and honed thevarioustechnologies, skills, tools and techniques, used in theSI’straining program. Start experiencing them today. What makesSIunique? It focuses on training you how to change your usualstressreaction of “fight or flight “into a condition of “restandrepair”. With the above goal in mind, the SI programcreativelycombines aspects of mindfulness, neurologic mind-mapping,EmotionalIntelligence, breathing techniques, awareness practices,and SMARTgoal setting! These seemingly unrelated technologies areblended insuch a way that each reinforces and enriches the others.SI hascreated a powerful combination of these technologies that,quitesimply, works! Oh, by the way-this is not a quick fix, “oneanddone”, program. As you work the program, the program works foryou!Please download the free app so you can understand the manywaysthat SI can help you befriend and conquer your stress;long-term.
TLSLearning 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Get our deep dive, step-by-step training to enhance yourmanagementand leadership skills in the areas that count. You willlearncritical skills to help you be more effective in leadingteams,managing change, and leading effectively. You will go onpractical,real-word quests that will challenge, engage and help youlearn keyskills quickly. All quests are proven and created by worldexpertsin the areas of leadership, team development, culture changeandhow to create high performing and healthy workplaces. Ourquestsare fun and engaging that will help you gain criticalinsights,increase your influence, and create an impact. Whether youare anew manager, an experienced leader, or part of a team, therearequests that are just right for you! You may want to refreshsomecore leadership skills, develop new skills at your own pace,listento a podcast on your way to work, watch a transformationalvideo ordownload a practical tip sheet – we have it covered. Webring 25years experience in developing managers and leadersacrossvirtually every industry sector. FEATURES • Succeed on the goor atyour desk with our world-class app • Choose the option to havealive coach work with you via the app • Join a communityofworld-wide users or keep your progress private • Fun,playfulenvironment that encourages fast-tracked learning •Habit-formationtechnology – adopt and strengthen new habits •Dozens of videos(added to monthly) • Unique, downloadable contentincludingworksheets, leader guides to use with your team, whitepapers andsummary sheets. This web-based learning solution wasdeveloped aspart of our commitment to bring the best learningsolutions toleaders and teams around the world. We specialise inglobaldelivery, combining in-person workshops, coaching (in-personandonline) to create high performing and healthy teams throughgreatleadership. CONTACT US • We are here to help you! • Havequestionsabout our Quests? • Comments? Ideas?•[email protected] FREE It’s free to downloadtheTLSLearning app and all of our quests are either FREE or offerafree trial.
Hypnose Instituut Nederland 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
Heb je altijd al hypnose willen leren op professioneel niveau?Eenpraktijk willen beginnen als hypnotherapeut, maar je hebt geentijdom jaren te studeren? Dan is dit jouw kans, want met dezecursuskan je je eigen tijd indelen, op je eigen tempo studeren enbinneneen jaar al een praktijk hebben.
Flawless Learning 19.9.5
MyQuest Inc
Welcome to Flawless Learning. This app complements and extendsyourlearning by providing an interactive and integratedexperience,starting before your in-person training and extendingafter, withopportunities to share your learning and insights incommunity withother participants/colleagues. In this app, you'llfind materialsand exercises to complete before your in-persontraining as well asexercises and resources to support you after youcomplete training.The materials are drawn from Peter Block'sclassic book, FlawlessConsulting and the associated training.
Adding Zeros 20.2.17
MyQuest Inc
The Adding Zeros executive development app is for thosecompanieswho are participating in our 12-week executive programs orourexecutive development program. Are you an executive who wantstotake your company to the next level? Do you want a moreengagedstaff, emotionally committed customers, and leadership thatcanexecute and stay focused? The Adding Zero’s series of12-weekfacilitated programs based on the 5 Disciplines will helpyou laythe groundwork for your company to grow exponentiallyinstead ofsmall painful increment.s If you are interested in takingyourcompany to the next level your can explore our